
A day of ups & downs. Great to see Sa Penya people & be invited to be part of a demo on Sunday...& great to watch Asha & one of the Romani girls play together all evening... Sad to hear Mom's been re-admitted to hospital today. A never-ending rollercoaster, or so it feels.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Watching Asha & the Roma girl play & dance all how there are no hang ups when you're barriers, no reason to be anything other than friends...
2) Feeling back in the swing of things re Sa Penya & life here.
3) Pre birthday Cava at Caña Club, good chats with people, lovely hugs with some of THE café guys & meeting new & interesting people at THE café (can all that count as 1 'grateful'?!)

This was Asha's frozen yoghurt & melting smarties...looked like a watercolour picture to me!

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