All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

RIP Anna Gerbil

I noticed a few days ago that Anna wasn't looking well. I told Ethan I was going to take her to the vets and he begged me to make it when he wasn't at school so he could come too. I warned him it might not be a happy visit but he was adamant he was coming.

The vet examined Anna and as she put her back in her cage, she collapsed. The vet rushed her out the room to put her on oxygen but then came back in the room a minute later, saying sadly "I'm afraid Anna has just taken the decision about what to do out if our hands". She had died.

Poor Ethan was really upset. Although he had been warned she might die, we didn't think it would happen like that!

He had cuddles with her and asked me to take some last photos of him holding her. We then took her home and have buried her in our garden, near our cats Cleo & Zoe.

Poor Lucinda gerbil looks very lonely now. Hubbie took Ethan down to the pet shop to ask about getting a new gerbil as a companion but they don't recommend it as they'll probably fight.

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