Lower lock Botterham Staircase Locks.
Day 3 of our trip on Solace. Still on the S & W. A wet day but that doesn't really matter on with the waterproofs and get on with the locks. The cold however was a different matter several layers under the waterproofs but bare hands! Handling a metal windlass and in some cases metal lock gates lowers the fun level a bit.
This shot is taken from the foot bridge at the tail of the top lock of the Botterham Staircase. Stair case locks are when the bottom gates of one lock are the top gates of the next lock. This was only 2 locks but we have done the Foxton flight which two staircases of 5 locks each.
Staircase locks need a little more care and a slightly different technique as you have to ensure (particularly going up) that there is enough water in the locks above to raise you the required height to get into the next lock. On a single lock the water comes from the canal with no hindrance.
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