Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New car harness

In the middle of the night, Archie was snuffling around, acting oddly and looking skywards. We knew right away what it was - a sore, weeping eye. I still had some eyedrops from last time, and so I gave him one, and it settled him. And of course he then had to come and sleep on the bed. Which meant that I did not sleep a wink! I was confined to a thin slither on the edge, and couldn't move. He slept like a baby. And so, after I'd taken him out this morning, I went back to bed and dozed for another hour or so.

Another eye drop in the morning, and he was playing with his toys and seemed all right. I can always test him by throwing down the empty box we get the coffee pods in - he goes CRAZY! Shreds of cardboard all over the house in a matter of minutes. Phew! A vet visit at the weekend costs £130 to walk in the door! We'll take him to the vet on Monday if necessary.

We tried the new car harness on him. Though he hates wearing it for walkies, it worked fine in the car. I sat in the back with him. He sat leaning on my leg, like we do on the sofa, and I held him tight - those potholed Edinburgh roads are NOT helpful. We'll go on a longer trip soon and see if he can sit there on his own. Without being sick.

JR was very active - the gym, then into town. Archie and I had a lazy day. He was supposed to go and keep Camila company for an hour or so today. She"s weak and tired from her bout of malaria, but is out of hospital. Maybe tomorrow...

That's his sore eye in full view - looks fine, though a wee bit bloodshot. Not a weekend medical emergency, thank goodness.

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