Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Two fine beards!

I took Archie out round the block this morning (while JR was at the gym!) and for the first time ever, I didn't take my camera/phone. I was charging it because we were heading for the beach later.

And who should I see but a familiar face! Yes, it was Joe Tree, not in his natural habitat, but I wasted no time in accosting him, insisting he come back home with me while I grabbed my camera/phone, and he cheerfully obliged. I suppose he's quite used to being recognised in Edinburgh, and can hardly say NO! to a blipper! Thanks, Joe, that was an exciting start to my day!

Round the corner we came across two French Bulldogs in a front garden. We've never seen them before, and no wonder - they just moved in yesterday - the owner was sitting enjoying some sun. In fact, there are four Bulldogs, but two were out with a dog walker. Archie liked them, so I hope we see more of them.

We then went with JR to Porty and had a fabulous day at the beach, starting with breakfast - bacon baps and coffee, and a liver muffin (drip fed all day) for Arch. He will run back instantly for that! JR went to do some school work and I walked along the beach. What a beautiful day - hazy, calm, and even - yes - warm(ish).

I visited my pal's house, but was sad to find out from her son that she's at his house and is really not very well.

We met loads of dogs, all shapes and sizes - Archie had a whale of a time. We both did. By the time we left in the afternoon, the school kids were out and the beach was mobbed. There were even people in swimming!

Back home and the plastering is completed. But the bad news is that they discovered that the joists of the other ground floor flat are rotten due to the seeping dampness, and so ours probably are too. They will have to lift up the floorboards in the back bedroom to check and fix them. I think our Kiwi visitors would prefer to have a bedroom floor, so this job has been put off for a couple of weeks.

Archie and I are both relaxing on the sofa after our very exciting day. He must have run miles today. I feel as if I have too...

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