Out Of Chaos

I spent the last two afternoons helping a friend who owns a floral shop.  It seems the perfect storm hit her and she desperately needed some extra hands, i.e. Mother's Day, a High School Prom, and a wedding, all this weekend.  I love flowers and love being around them so I offered my help and she set me to work making wrist corsages for the prom.  After about the tenth one I started to get the hang of it, I think, although I now have visions of flowers flying all over the dance floor, victims of suspect workmanship.  This was one of the first ones I made -- hopefully I got better at it.  It was fun and I offered to help her out whenever she needs me.  She sent me home with all the floral rejects that weren't good enough to go into the Mother's Day arrangements so I have a nice vase of multicolored roses to enjoy.  

If you want to see the chaos part, check Extras and multiply by 10.  

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