Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Feathered Friends.

The gloriously warm and sunny weather continues.
I walked along the canal, and at one point the father swan was taking a nap with one eye open.
The centre photo is the female swan on her nest.
I hope the cygnets are safe and I am quite longing to see them.
I went for a longer canal walk and found  a family of mallards.
Several dog walkers were about, and a man who said he was cycling from Whalley to Ramsbottom, where he works in a furniture factory.
I ordered some Price's candles which arrived in the post.
They are a lovely fragrance called Open Window.
In essence, they smell like cotton fresh laundry, but they contain extracts of lily, violet and orange flower.
I bought the night light ones, as I thought they were better value and would last longer than a big jar candle.
Have a lovely day blipper friends.

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