Walking problems

I would like to say that today went to plan, but it didn't really... I DID manage to get up and catch the trains and buses to kingussie though, and started walking at 11am. The first part of the walk was nice but uneventful. A bit of road walking and a lot of boggy paths.

I then decided to head out into the forest and to a place I wanted to camp at (with a bothy whose name I cannot remember right now). However, I yet again got scared in a forest (I blame the horror films where women always get attacked and murdered in forests) so took a quick exit to a nearby village. I then got lost in the village for an hour (lots of paths which led to houses or farms and nothing else) and then walked along a road to Kincraig.

By the time I left the village, my right knee was in agony. I'm not sure why as it hasn't happened before. I had a quick Google and it seems likely that a combination of a heavy backpack and lots of road walking caused too much impact. I was almost crying by Kincraig, and decided that I couldn't stay outside in a cold tent with it. I therefore got the bus to Aviemore and booked into the independent youth hostel.

I am now sitting in a comfy bed with throbbing knees (both are in pain now) but at least I am warm :) not sure how I will be tomorrow but will either do a short walk and come back, or leave straight away in the morning.

Oh well - it could be worse! I do need to try out my fancy new tent soon though!

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