Just one of those days

Guess I've blown my day off on Tuesday. Yesterday was weather, and today isn't much better but for different weather reasons - snow and cold vs cloud and rain and cold.

Everything says 10C here today - and it's not - step outside and it feels much much lower than 10C, closer to 0C if that's snow. Didn't help that the pass was closed - erm - what race?? So that blew this mornings numbers as well.

So what with feeling pretty crap anyway, I knocked off 500 fotos in 45 minutes, and called it quits. It's a lot of fotos but that's just the backed up traffic from the pass being closed. It drops off real fast, and there is nothing pleasant about standing there for hours, feeling crap, and only getting 3-400 shots an hour if you are lucky.

Nice fezza though!

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