Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jobs done

All action stations this morning! At one point I was serving tea to the workers out the back door, and the electrician was arriving at the front door. Just as well Anne had taken Archie out for the day - he could not cope with all those house guarding duties and noise. In fact, neither could I. I escaped to the gym for 50 minutes, and now I am sitting in the cafe to get away from the drilling. The plaster in the passageway has been crumbling due to seeping dampness over the years, so they have to remove it, pump some magic stuff in the wall cavities to seal it, then re-plaster. A timely job, before it gets any worse.

The electrician was replacing our fan heater in the bathroom which had given up the ghost, but is still needed on these chilly mornings. He thanked me for giving him the easiest job of the day. In fact, I think I could have done it myself. Next time.

I gave him a cup of tea too, and we sat in the lounge. He admired the flatbacks and our (much diminished) china collection - he and his wife had been collecting china for years. I then invited him to

'Come and see my jugs'...

Of course, I meant THESE.

He was much too polite to titter snigger, but enthused over them politely, and as he left he thanked me again for showing them to him. I think he may dine out on that story for a long time...

Here's Archie, in his harness, shootin' the breeze with the famously grumpy Lutzi. She hates every other dog, and barks like mad at them as they pass her bit. She has even attacked wee Rufus up the Hill once! But she has always liked Arch.

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