
By misswinterfinch

John Deere Tractor

Imported from mannheim Germany in the early 1950s, this farm worker is just in the tractor shop for a tune up and basic care before it hits the fields again.
I snapped this at the local tractor repair place where I have also blipped the big orange tractor parked out in front. 
When I turned the car around to leave the place a man was standing in the middle of the road, blocking my exit. Oh, dear...
So, I put the window down and stopped to wish him a "Happy Tractor Tuesday!" He admitted he's never heard of that.
Well, we chatted about everything: the local farming situation, world situation, influence of the media on politics, education, kids nowadays, LBGT, life... for nearly 2 hours.
I did not take his picture. I thought about it but I did want to post his John Deere beauty for today. Tom (the owner) has all the paperwork and history on this and other of his tractors.  He is REALLY into tractors. A few of you tractor blippers would have a lot to chat about with him as well. I feel like I have met a new friend.

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