A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

I foolishly agreed to do a work call at 10pm. There is of course a great danger of me not making any sense but as it will be 5pm and 6am for the others perhaps we will all balance ourselves out.

Last night I dreamed I was taking J for his first day back at school. I have so often pondered the lack of depth and imagination of my subconscious.

J incidentally has had a pretty good day. 8 to go.

It has been another day of distracting...dog walk, barrecore, work, school run, dance class run, playing hide and seek with the dog. The dog who, despite two very decently sized walks, seems to have had boundless energy today so has been made to work for all her meals. Here is dinner in a game.

And a blip with big floppy ears. You're welcome.

Lesley x

8 days.

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