My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Dandelions in the sky

Poor Baby L is not well - she woke in the night with a snuffle and a cough which has developed as the day has gone on into projective vomiting (she managed to get it in her eyes) and diarrhoea (10 nappies since lunchtime).

I took her out for a walk while N mowed the lawn after lunch and she slept for over 2 hours which helped a bit. I saw this dandelion growing at the top of a wall on my trip.

Hopefully a big sleep will help Baby L more overnight.

In other news, Mr Messi-cat has also been sick twice today too... he'd eaten something dodgy in the garden and has been feeling sorry for most of the day.

What a day!

We also changed her up to the next size clothes today (now in 3-6 months at 15 weeks and 3 days old).

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