
By CharChar

So good they named it twice...

New York New York

So today we said good bye to our little floating home, we were sad to leave the Anthem of the seas but excited for NYC!

We arrived at our lovely hotel called the library which has books everywhere and each room is themed to a particular book type. We are in the advertising room!

We had a quick cuppa and met up with Jeff and Julie Gemma's Aunty and uncle who live in the states. It was then time to hit the sight seeing!

First stop Statue of Liberty on the staton island ferry got some pics and then it was off to Ground zero. The fountains are amazing and such a nice memorial for all those people who lost there lives. We then did an audio guided tour around the meuseum which was quite sad.

Me and Gem decided to hit some shops after managed to find our way around really well.

Once we were back at the hotel we took advantage of the free cheese and wine before heading out for dinner to a lovely Italian the food was amazing!

Me, Gem, Claire and Stu then had a walk to Times Square to see it all lit up at night then it was time for a well deserved rest in a very comfy bed!

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