
By CharChar

Birthday celebrations

Happy Birthday to Gemwah and Kath!

So today was the day Gem turned 30 and what fun it has been.

Started with a formal breakfast with mimosas. Then we went to our favourite restaurant 270 so Gem and Kath could open their birthday presents. We then decided to go to a dance class to learn the Thriller dance, we got there thinking everyone would be new to this like us but no these dance classes had been going on, on all the sea days so me Gem and Kath joined in and hadn't a clue while everyone around us were taking it so serious, twice I was moved by others taking part because I was In the way!!! It was hilarious!

After that it was back to 270 to meet the captain of the ship for Q&A's we didn't ask any questions but it was really interesting.

The day went really quick and before we knew it, it was time to get ready for our formal dinner in the Grande restaurant, me and Gem had booked to get our hair done at the salon on board to save us some time for our early dinner, it was great all we had to do was our make up once our hair was done.

It was then down for dinner which was lovely, I had the lobster and because it was the last night they asked if I wanted extra lobster which was a bonus.

The day has been fun filled and both Gem and Kath have had a lovely Birthday.

Last night tonight before NYC!

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