Dad,let me count all the little grey hairs...
I awoke this morning thinking it was March... why ? well I shall tell you... because it was warm and sunny that is why and I am just not used to it in July........
We had Jake stay over last night and he was not very well,he had a terrible high temperature :( he was VERY restless,refused his calpol so I tried to hide it in some squash(juice) but he seemed to suss me out,anyway we were down stairs at 5am... then back upstairs at 6am,awake at 7..... back in bed at 8am...... then we just gave up.He did have a two hour sleep from 12-2 today and I read my book.
It has been apart from lack of sleep a really lovely day and I managed THREE washing loads on the line,what a chuffing treat.
Mr W did a corker of a BBQ,then we had a late evening walk over the road in the fields and Eve and I photographed butterflies and Lucy insulted her father.... which she insists he LOVES.She has also informed us she is saving up for a cocker spaniel.She ALSO offered a man £23 for his puppy when Wiggy took her and Mia puppy training with naughty Bobby.... We have told her,if she saves the money herself than yes she can have a puppy.We already have two dog's might aswell make it three.....
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