am bioran

By AmBioran


A big hill day in Glen Lyon. The weather forecast for the BH weekend suggested today would be finest of the 3days. So I took my opportunity to head to Glen Lyon for some more Corbetts.

I drove over the Ben Lawers road, slightly apprehensive for snow blockages, but there was only a small drift to drive past at 550m passing Lochan na Lairige. At Bridge of Balgie, I turned left, for another 10miles of single track up to the dam at the end of Loch Lyon. Ignoring the dam, it was a beautiful scene, with lambs gambolling in the fields, and primroses clinging to life on rocky precipices out of reach of the munching mutton.

I headed west along the north shore of the loch for a few km before striking north through a new pine plantation (very new) on to the Corbett of Meall Buidhe (907m). The views of the Munro Beinn a Chreachain to the west were best, with lots of snow in the corrie.

A couple of snowy squalls accompanied me on the trudge to the next Corbett of Sron a Choire Chnapanaich (837m) with some tricky ground beside the defile of the Feith Thalain. The peat hags were bad, but not as bad as I'd expected and after a sandwich I reached the summit overlooking Loch an Daimh (the blip) with the Munro of Stuchd an Lochain prominent.

I decided to continue over that since I was feeling ok, and the weather was still fine. The mountains around were draped in their lace finery of spring snow patches, I think the views will change dramatically this week when warmer weather arrives.

As I plodded up the Munro, I realised it would be my 4th ascent in 24years, but the first from this direction. I didn't stop at the summit, just continued over and south to An Grianan for a look up and down the glen.

After 6 hours and 22km I arrived back at the car.

More views in the extras.

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