A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


The last day of April and a warmer feel to the sun.

That's when it is shining as we have had some really heavy April showers which makes me think I was probably foolish putting out some washing this morning, including my dressing gown which is heavy and doesn't tumble dry.

Whilst rearranging this washing, during a sunny, moment I couldn't help notice the buzz of bees on the Pieris. They have been there for a few weeks now as it has produced a mass of cream bell flowers which these huge bees struggle to get into from underneath.

I think the pink bracts for which this plant is famous will be late this year after the very heavy frosts we have seen this week. Unfortunately the poor Magnolia flowers are not going to recover their former creamy pinkness as they are now scorched brown round the edges.

A promise of warmer weather to come we're told. I hope so now May is 'a comin'in' tomorrow.

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