
By DancingAly


I was up at 6:30am this morning. It wasn't too painful ;-) Actually I didn't mind. It was beautiful outside, blue sky and sunny. Perfect. I had a quick cup of tea, and then a nice warm bath. It was so nice after such a busy day yesterday. 

I went off to work, and the day was pretty good. I felt waves of tiredness, but mostly nausea. I am not a big drinker, but I had a couple of drinks and nothing to eat since lunchtime yesterday, so I think that's why I felt a bit yucky. 

I found these flag/bunting in bright colours that I bought from Hema in NL before Christmas. We had been meaning to put them up, but for some reason I saw them this morning, so the ladies and I spent the morning clambering around on tables to put them up, much to the children's delight. And it looks lovely in there now. I'll have to snap a pic next week. 

I had planned on doing absolutely nothing tonight, and going to bed early! I came home after school after I had a catch up with a friend. I invited her to come last night, but she couldn't make it and wished she could have. I had a chilled evening, and started to get slower and slower so headed to bed.

And then it kicked off. Little Ro and my dad had a huge bust up. Mostly about money. So I lay in bed listening to a load of yelling and swearing. I suppose it's my own fault for staying here and not at my house. And it was pretty horrible. And then she came and sat on my floor crying, and dad came in as well. So I became the referee between two angry people. I feel like a counsellor. I'm good at that. But it upset me to. I don't want my family to be broken, I want everybody to be happy. Communication has broken down between them, and they communicate by shouting. I suppose part of the reason I'm known at school as 'the teacher that doesn't shout', is because I remember exactly how it felt to be yelled at! Not good. 

I kid you not, this went on for two hours, and by 1am, everybody was in bed. I can't seem to get through to either of them. If he wants her to turn her life around, then he's going to have to support her a bit better, so that she feels she can. And she has to accept she's going to have to stand on her own two feet, and learn to be self sufficient. 

So much for my early night.... 

* I seem to have acquired an 'Olaf' wristband from last night ;-)

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