Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Titus Canyon

Titus Canyon is in Death Valley California with a small part of it being in Nevada.   This is about a 2 hour drive from our daughter's house, so we drove their jeep up there  so we could drive through the canyon.  It is quite beautiful and was worth the drive.  The road is rutted and some bad pot holes so we were glad to have a high clearance vehicle!      We did have a bit of rain during this time and then it cleared up.    The weather was cool up here in the mountains though it was only in the mid 80's when we got down to the desert floor.    We did go to the ghost town  and walked around there and checked out the abandoned mines.  they are all gated off.   
  Thanks for the stars and hearts and great comments.  I appreciate each one!!!     Oh,  I forgot to mention how steep it was here in the photo.  One moment of not paying attention and you could be over the side.  If you are still  alive It may be awhile for help to find you! 

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