
By briocarioca

Watch your head!

Another early start to the day, but my laptop obviously didn’t approve. It wouldn’t open the programmes I needed to use and I had to run scans all day to try to sort it out. I’m using it now, but who knows how it will behave tomorrow. Luckily I was able to work while it ran one of the scans, and had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, while it ran another.
On the way back from the doctor’s, I walked down a street lined with Cannonball trees. I’ve just googled them and discovered that the Latin name is Couroupita guianensis. There are some great photos and interesting information on this page . The comment that particularly amused me was "Naturally, such trees are not planted next to footpaths, because a falling fruit could easily cause a fatal injury". Well, the whole length of the footpath I was on was lined with cannonball trees with cars parked underneath, putting both pedestrians and vehicles at risk – but that’s Brazil for you.

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