Unbelievably Bad Blip

I think this must go as the worst photo ever published to Blipfoto.

Spent a great couple of days with my parents at their new home in Devon, and I'm really torn about leaving. Trouble with my parents - just so easy going to live at their house. Heaven knows I spent enough years mooching off them, and getting to Devon, seeing their new home, and settling in again was just a bit too easy. Even my sisters have said as much.

But lounging around on my parents (new) sofa is something of the past, and I have 10 weeks to kill. I'm not here to enjoy myself after all!

The upside of leaving my parents today is seeing my sisters again. Looking forward to that. Kept in touch with one of them quite closely (you call me ENOUGH on SKYPE!!! ;) ), but the other one not so much. I'm told that they've missed me somewhat, and yeah, I have sort of missed them too. But with so much going on in the last year I've only realised how much I've missed them since I've landed.

Got to drop in on Alex as well who has managed to offer me all the technical support I needed for Italy. Not sure how I managed to find such a useful friend, but his offer of help is gladly accepted. So by the end of today I should have a Mac and a big drive loaded in Goat ready for Italy. I suppose I could have used my MacBook for this project, but it's just easier to carry a full time machine for it, gives me more options at the end of the day, and also saves my MacBook being chained to one job (eg uploading photos).

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