the colour green

By jukeys

two parties in one day

Got to Carrie's for 6pm for the Grand Aioli in Entrechaux. The girls greeted me at the gate and then the rest of the guests arrived for the apéritif (saucisson and champagne). We headed up for 7-ish and nabbed a table for all 17 of us! The formula was easy - head to the serving area, pick up an old apple box, and then walk around the serving tables to the 10 or 12 people who each served you a different part of your meal - a tomato, a potato, some cauliflower, green beans, a snail, some white fish, a prawn, a boiled egg, a boiled carrot, and the ubiquitous bread. What a plateful! If only I could've taken advantage of the all-you-can-drink aspect...

...that wasn't to be as I left in my car around half nine to get back to Les Pilles for the big fete! It was the usual mixture of soixante-huitards, musos, piss-heads, confused tourists, and just general people up for a party. The band were hit and miss (more miss tbh), but everyone was up dancing anyway. The smell of joints in the air was enough to get you stoned. No change for the fete in Les Pilles :) Class!

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