Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Walk Away

A morning in the flat doing I don't quite know. I did get lots of texts and pictures of Steven and Lewis on the train to London. (Kelly is running the London Marathon tomorrow and S and L are going down to support her.)
Then the supermarket.

Along to work for our 25th Birthday Party. I didn't stay long, there was so many people , the entertainer was very noisy. I walked away.

Went  for a walk afterwards.

I've been putting it off, finding excuses not to do it but today I reluctantly started writing the letter to the court. I found it hard emotionally, reliving it and having to write it.  It's far from finished but I had to walk away from it .
I feel like I am back in it, keep playing it over and over.

Tonight I'm lying on the sofa and after cutting I am feeling light headed and spaced out.

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