Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Then the Mist came down

We were standing at work tonight and noticed the mist coming down fast, then it got much colder; just in time for the weekend!

I had a long shift today due to Parents Evening; 9am to 8pm. I am shattered, but a happy shattered if there is such a good thing.

I got summoned to a meeting this morning with the manager and assistant manager; I was a bit scared! But....they wanted to find out how I was doing and to say that they are really pleased with me and a lot of the girls had said it was great having me back and I had been very productive. That was really nice.
And the icing on the cake was that I have been asked to go back into the pre school room, as they feel I'm being wasted in the babies and tweenies.

I am going to bed happy....who would have thought I'd be saying that again.  

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