Grrrreat Day!

After a looong wait in Nu Suz “T”  of TML Here and somewhere else….Errr…Oh YES…THERE.  Here and there…That’s it!
Well she and family and friends  turned up after a small problem with her GPS  (Global Pooch Sniffer) and there were GIFTS!!!
A packet of Dentastix and a lovely lad got to give me one AT the Cafe….I got to eat something….Oh what at Grrreat day.
The Boss put the rest of the them in his pocket. I watched them carefully but they got transplanted to the grub cupboard at home and thats a bit of a problem. I have never done particularly well at “World School” and failed to master “doors 101” …Sigh!
Some folk don’t ever have good days and we met a couple of these on the outlet trail this arfo. I don’t think anything good had happened to them or anybody they knew for ages so they stood in the lovely sunshine surrounded by Autumn beauty and explained in detail while I played with their Golden Retreiver who seemed happy to me. The Boss listened to the litany of woe for a while then said he had to go and wished them well and felt really sorry for them. It must be awful to enjoy such total life wide discontent on holiday.  
I always feel a bit sorry for folk like that because you just kno that they live for bad news and even the good times are bad. Isn’t there a song about that is it the other way around? 

The colours here, are of course, variable and on the outlet trail things are a bit advanced. These trees will be bare before you kno it but they will not be unhappy ‘Cos new life will break out in a few months and the cycle will start again.

AND I may finally master “Doors 101”

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