Woolly Spiral

Oh what a tangled web we weave......

This woollen spiral adorns the staircase to the upper gallery of the Dovecot Studio from where it's possible to look down on what was the swimming pool of the old Infirmary Street Baths, and is now an open space occupied by weavers.

There were only two working this morning and the silence was palpable.
Displayed round the gallery are modern tapestries of well known paintings by Robin Philipson, Elizabeth Blackadder, John Bellany and Craigie Aitchison to mention but a few.

I went out this morning without a raincoat or umbrella, and it didn't rain.
Could this be a first for our Edinburgh summer?

Now to watch Bradley Wiggins in action again. I'm exhausted after three weeks of pedalling up the Pyrannees and Alps on the wheel of Brad.
Fingers crossed that he can nail today's stage before the time trial tomorrow when hopefully he will be home and dry.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Jubilee year and the opening of the Olympics in London to have two British cyclists on the podium in Paris in 1st and 2nd places.

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