
By Bellasmama

Happy Birthday Bravo

Today is Bravo's birthday. It is hard to believe that he is old enough to have a birthday. It wasn't that long ago that we got him. He has been a wonderful puppy. Doesn't chew shoes or things that he shouldn't, he has stopped urinating on the beds, and usually comes when we call him. Altogether, that makes for a good dog! At least in our household!

He loves the girls, when they leave the room he follows. In the morning I can tell him to go and wake up Bella and he runs to her room, slams open the door and jumps on her bed. When they come home from school, friends houses or errands, he greets them with such exuberance that you would think that they had been gone for weeks. And, he talks to them too!

We love him very much. Giacomo is traveling tonight so we will have a birthday celebration this weekend. But, I couldn't let his day go by without acknowledgement. I tried to get a great iPhone picture, but decided to go with goofy instead, fits his personality!

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