Miller Bridge

I had breakfast, this morning, with my friend, Tony, whom I first met when I started up my own business in Kendal. We both used to attend a networking club called BNI, which was horrible, but I shouldn't complain as it gave me some very good friends (including IntoTheHills). We've both been through a lot since we first met, yet every time we meet, there are laughs and joy. 

I was going to head straight back to the office after Tony and I had said our au revoirs but then I remembered that I had a cheque to pay in. To be honest, I can't imagine why the client in question paid for a domain name renewal (£15) by cheque. I found myself grumbling this to myself as made my way up to the bank, but then consoled myself with the fact that at least I hadn't had to make a special trip into Kendal - and experience the horrors of its tortuous one-way system - to do it. 

Chore completed, I walked down Finkle Street, cut down through Berry's Yard to the back of Beales, and then strolled down to Miller Bridge. I like this bit of Kendal, emerging from the claustrophobic grey stonework to the open expanse of the river. And I'm glad to see this sturdy old bridge survived the flooding unscathed.

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