Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Keeping Warm

Until about 5 years ago, we only had Mourning Doves and then we started seeing a few of these Eurasian Collared Doves.  The next year there were more of them and less Mourning Doves and it has progressed to now when I rarely see or hear our sweet Mourning Doves anymore.  I read online that they "may be displacing native doves" and that has certainly been the case here. As you can in my blip, our storm has arrived but, although it has been snowing all day, none has stuck.  Just 30 miles south they have up to a foot of accumulation so we have been very far.  It's not moving out until tomorrow evening so we may still have to put our snow shovel to use.

Thank you so much to everyone who left stars and hearts for my Killdeer yesterday and for previous blips as well!  I really appreciate everyone sticking with me while my comments were off this past week.  I'm caught up to my usual level of being slightly behind on everything so I'm going to turn them on again as soon as I post this.  I've really missed everyone and will be happy to get back to commenting again!

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