Snow and sun...

Woke to 2cms lying and flakes falling. It was bitterly cold up the strath, but served me right for choosing a walk northwards! There were occasional snow and hail showers, but pleasant.A small herd of Red Deer were grazing and a few Meadow Pipits flew  across.
Later, walked in the oakwood, where it was much warmer and found Violets, Wood Sorrel, Wood Anemones, Marsh Marigolds and masses of Celandine.
Returning down the A9 in a blizzard when the traffic drew to a halt. Watched a service bus burning out, not nice, but  no one was injured. The cloud extreme left on the extra is something exploding as the firemen attempted to douse the flames. The bus completely gutted minutes after as we passed. Sobering!

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