
By CharlotteJ

O'Shannassy Aqueduct Trail

We have added another walk to our 'we will walk' list.

Today we started the O'Shannassy Aqueduct walk, its 30k in length.

We 'found' the car park an decided to have our lunch that I had prepared at one of the picnic tables before heading off.  Enjoying the sounds of the bush and finishing off lunch we 'started' the walk.  It became very apparent after 1km that we really were not in the right place, so we turned back and walked 1km back to the car.  After a 5min drive, we found the correct car park!!  

We walked 16k on the correct trail!  Its a nice trail but not a lot to see, other than great big giant trees and a mamouth steep incline at one point.  It was nice to complete a section and all in all we have walked 18km today 920cals burnt off!

My photo was taken at the picnic area.

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