
By CharlotteJ

Gate Block

Warning: Moaning Minnie alert! 

Upper sixth started to hurt like, well, I don't know what but it became ouchy and some at exactly midnight.  I dozed all night for 45mins at a time!  By 5am I gave up and got up and the pain this time I really didn't want to go into London.  I don't like to give up, but this morning, I took advantage of being an adult learner, I sent my apologies and asked to defer the workshop to the next date.  No one had a problem with it!!  So refreshing!!

Spent the day working from home quietly and got a lot done.   The dentist even called to make sure I was OK - that was kind.

Chris and I decided on a little walk after dinner, but even that got the tooth throbbing!  Flipping thing.

Gorgeous evening and I loved how we were made to take the long route home by this lot.

Happy Thursday


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