Moving on

Today we left the Napier area, but first called at Otatara Pa. We've visited a few of these fortified places but this one had been reconstructed so it was interesting to see what it would have looked like.

We headed west to Taupo, calling at Haka Falls then going to Craters of the Moon for a walk. This was in our book of free walks but the book is out of date. It was $8 each to get in. It was a sunny day so we went anyway, but there wasn't much action there - the weather had been too hot and dry. It was a nice walk though. We drove up the road to see all the workings for the electricity making from harnessing the heat below. We'd called at a thermal place recommended in Lonely Planet but it looked a real rip-off and was full of a bus tour and a snooty receptionist so we carried on into town to find our Airbnb. This one had a great view of the lake. Our room and bathroom were accessed from through the owners' living room. This meant lots of opportunity for our hostess to chat to us. We went out for food but made a poor choice and had a very poor Indian meal.

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