
We had a BUSY day today!! Back to school of course, but the day began way before that. We have had to pull the "get up time" forward a little bit because as of today I am a conventional working mama, rather than self employed. I realised quite soon after getting up that we had failed to notice a homework. It was a misleading, stupid homework (which consequently she was told she got "all wrong" - when actually, I would argue she was the only one to get it entirely right) but we did it.... She did 45 minutes of piano and we both had baths. All of which happened by 7.45 when we headed out for her piano lesson on bikes! 

She had a brilliant time at piano; she'd learnt a new piece to show B, she did great showing B her progress on her exam work, she was super proud of the theory paper she'd completed. A good lesson  - and still we were early for school! Which is more than I can say for the teachers - the door is meant to open 8.40-8.50 and at 8.45 it still wasn't. Thankfully one of her friend's mummy offered to watch her until the door opened as I was beginning to stress about being late for my first day at work. 

When I picked her up, she'd done me a "first day" card and had lots of questions about what I had been doing. She did some clarinet when we got in before Grandad and Granny arrived for tea. A jam packed day, hence me only realising as I tucked her in that I'd yet to take a single photo! 

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