A Day at the Farm

Merrick's momma wasn't feeling well, so I picked him up and went to Kensington Metro Park.

He was a little apprehensive, but we were hoping to find some chickadees that would eat out of our hands. No such luck.

But, we did have quite an encounter with a juvenile sand-hill crane. It was 2-3 feet away, and I cautiously had the little man pose behind it.

There were many new babies in the big barn. Piglets, lambs, and kids...goat kids.

Merrick was funny. We had already made one loop around the farmyard, when we ran into a pre-school field trip. Merrick joined right in as the young tour guide told the children about all the animals. After our second go-round, he was about to join the kids in a group photo, when I told him he couldn't be in the picture. As it was, he did get to stand in a line, and pet all the babies...including a squealing little piggy.

Lucky for you, I spared you the peeing pig photos.

"Hey Papa, do pigs pee in that puddle?"

"I'm not sure."

Just then, a big pig both took a drink...AND...peed.

"Hey Papa, does that mean...they drink their pee?"

"Yes, I guess they do Buddy Boy."

Disgusting, but hey...they're pigs.

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