Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

No pastries!

The new headphones are not new now. I have new new ones. J had just bought new Bluetooth ones... why didn't I think of that? No more tangly cords! Ideal for listening while, say, cutting the hedge, walking the dog, going to the gym... Yes! So enthused was I with my new purchase, I DID go to the gym! Alberta Hunter booming into my ears, drowning out the usual screechy stuff the gym staff favour, spurred me on. Slightly.

Actually, I found it very hard on the bike - I could hardly pedal, and that was at Level 1! I managed 10 minutes. How weak my legs are! In fact, I could feel lots of crackling in my knees protesting at the unaccustomed exercise. If I hadn't had my music on, I think I would have heard them. Unnerving. Still, I did a few wee weak arm lifts and leg lifts too - half an hour. Probably used up 30 calories. It's a start.

In the morning Archie and I walked along to Summerhall in the sunshine. I resisted the pastries too - and took a photo to prove it! (Archie's just on the chair for the photo). On the way back, I even had to take my hat and coat off for a while. I used my new new headphones and listened to my audiobook as we walked along.

My new little iPhone lenses arrived from USA! I was slightly anxious about them, as I hadn't heard from the suppliers at all - usually they let you know when the items are dispatched - so that was a very nice surprise this evening. Will have a play with them tomorrow.

We met a new dog borrower this evening. She is self employed, so weekdays suit her fine. And she lives around the corner! She loved Archie, who'd had a haircut, eyebrow trim and beard wash to look his best, and went through all his tricks. She had the treats, so he was very keen on her too. She has a schnauzer at home in USA.

So all in all, a successful day.

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