Champion of the world!

I zoomed into Ballydehob in search of an elusive image for one of the cards - the village has an impressive 12 arched former railway bridge over the water but I got side-tracked. Ballydehob was en fete - every window carried a home made poster welcoming home the local hero - Steve Redmond. Steve, who lives in Ballydehob, has just completed the Oceans Seven Challenge -the first person to ever swim:
the North Channel
The English Channel
The Cook Strait
The Molokai Cahnnel
The Catalina Channel
The Straits of Gibraltar
and last week achieving the final swim in Japan where he swam across the Tsuguru Strait, battling against bad weather, huge jellyfish and extreme cold.
As well as bunting and posters, the statue of the other local hero, Danno Mahony, (The Irish Whip, a prize fighter) was suitably decorated in swimming hat and goggles. He made a fine sight.
The sun was shining and I treated myself to ciabata with olives at the West Cork Gourmet store, watching the world go by - almost Mediterranean!
Back home and I've dug up the garlic and onions and dug over the beds. Wrecked!
Statue enhancement breaks out at every opportunity over here.

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