Two tales from China

After seven years doing nothing this Chinese rhododendron
Macabeanum from the Himalaya finally flowered this year.
When I complained to a plant expert about the lack of flowers in previous years he said:” Didn’t they tell you when you bought it that it takes 5-10 years before it flowers.”
Well, the garden centre certainly kept that bit of information to themselves. Anyway it’s flowering this year so it’s been worth the wait.
Here’s a salutary tale on the new, young, wealthy Chinese elite-
a 22 year old Chinese student at Stirling University made the local paper this week.
He has just lost his appeal in the Edinburgh High Court because the police confiscated his 150K Maserati car.
He was found twice within eight days of driving it while over the alcohol limit. In mitigation he said he did not know the rules of this country.
 Well, he kent nae….

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