Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

O is for.....

Oxford Road Railway Station.

Originally built in 1849 for the Manchester, South Junction and Altrincham railway - this is not the original building.

This was built in 1960 and is grade II listed.
Why? you ask,

I shall tell you......
it is an important example of the deployment of timber to achieve large roof spans incorporating clerestory lighting.
-Clare Hartwell, Pevsner's Architectural Guide

and... is the most ambitious example in this country of timber conoid shell roofing.
-Clare Hartwell, Pevsner's Architectural Guide

I have no idea what that means, but I like the reflections in this shot.

When I was a student I used to get the train from Oxford Rd to Manchester United home games. The train ticket cost 50p and it was £1.50 to stand in the 'Stretford Paddock'

That was a long time ago.

Wellies to work again today.
Sandals tomorrow?


a to z of Manchester

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