Sisters in law

We arrived at my Mam's house late morning and stayed for coffee and cake. We then went to check into our Travelodge via the Middlesbrough transporter bridge. Eek! I've never been on it in the whole of my life - the thought of being suspended in a car over the river terrifies me - but it was over quickly, and GravyC is happy. Noo, of course was very excited...

I could have blipped the bridge, but chose this picture instead because it was what the day was all about! We collected my mother at 5pm to take her to a mystery location. We had a lovely pub meal and then made out we were taking her home. Instead, we took her to another pub where her one remaining brother, and all three sisters in law were waiting. Also there were the offspring of the above and their offspring. She was thrilled and it was all rather lovely.

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