Beach burgers + beers

Danny's sister, Deb, & her boyfriend Ollie arrived today - unfortunately it was super chilly & chucking it down! Asha was DELIGHTED to see them & has been talking non-stop the entire time! This evening we made burgers & headed down to the rocks to enjoy the first & last bit of the days sunshine...then a wander through the little Old Town streets to get to THE café, where Danny managed to spectacularly cover himself in red wine! Quite impressive really!
Also, today is International Roma Day! Was hoping to see José to see if he knew, but unfortunately we didn't bump into him...
I wasn't sure which pic to blip, so I've added a couple of extras.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Family...also grateful that despite not much contact between Asha & Auntie Deb, there's an instant & strong bond.
2) The kindness the guys at THE café show us...they hug & squeeze Asha & pick her up when we arrive...they keep popping over for a natter...they randomly pay for our drinks here & there...they laugh at Danny when he showers himself in wine, & they don't let the joke go....they're just wonderful & I'm SO glad we know them.
3) International Roma Day! Grateful for all we've learnt about these incredible people, for the values they hold dear, for the way they've survived incredible persecution & for all they add to life. Without the Roma here in Ibiza, the town would be a quieter, less colourful, less interesting place. They bring joy, colour & song!

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