Foaming at the mouth....

Pharmacies sell quite a few 'slimming aids'. To make sure we give the right product to the customer, we offer a private consultation, ensuring that they're aware of possible side effects, interactions with medication they may already be taking, etc etc.

Today, I was giving a customer the usual advice, when she suddenly looked at me.

"Have you ever tried it?" she asked.

"No," I said (possibly slightly smugly), "I lost nearly 3 stones at Weight Watchers a few years ago. "

"Wow!" she said, "Were you enormous before?"

I had to eat an entire bag of Maltesers to cheer myself up......

(Tomorrow, is the first Wild Wednesday. If you fancy joining in, please tag your blip WildWed1. And if you don't fancy joining in, I promise I won't sulk!)

Thank you!!

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