Acquired wisdom

And you might say to me "Fen, now you are fifty, would you mind terribly if I asked you to pass on some of your no doubt enormous reserve of acquired wisdom to me, so that I may avoid making the same - at times ludicrous - mistakes that you have made along the long and unnecessarily tortuous road of your life?"

And I would smile and say "No problem: don't mix your drinks."

Of course, having acquired some wisdom, you aren't obliged to use it, even at the fabulous age of fifty, but I did limit myself to prosecco and red wine (not mixed), last night, thereby ensuring a clear head this morning, which was just as well as I had to be on top form for a client meeting at midday.

And from that laudable performance I made me way to Waterloo to meet the Minx and my folks for afternoon drinks at the ex-servicemen's club of which my dad is a member. And, apart from a brief Brexit related spat, we had a lovely couple of hours with them after which the Minx and I boarded the number 68 bus* to Euston in order to meet my brother for a curry at the Shah Tandoori on Drummond Street, which a good friend recommended to me and which I would, in turn, recommend unreservedly to you.

From there, thankfully, it was only short wobble along the road to catch the train back to Manchester, dozing comfortably in the first class seats that the Minx, via her online magic, had bought us for a price that was less than that which I normally pay to travel in less than first class. What a very splendid couple of days. *sleeps*

*This picture is me on the bus.

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