The 50th birthday: Day 16

Probably, I should wrap up these birthday celebrations. Probably. But today is my first time in London since turning fifty and, therefore, my earliest opportunity to have a get together with my southern friends. So, it's justified, no?

We were starting out at the Lyric in Soho, which, it transpires, takes us right past the offices of The Literary Review (at least it does if you're making your way across from Euston). My lovely friend, Frank, who would be joining us later, works there and he asked if we'd like to pop in and see the office as we passed by and we said "Of course!".

The front door is unprepossessing, rather like the door of The Leaky Cauldron in Harry Potter. And the comparisons didn't stop there as, stepping through the door, we promptly left modern London for a hallway that might have belonged anywhere in the last couple of centuries. Frank led us up the stairs and we saw his beautiful office; ramshackle and crammed with books!

After that we headed off to the Lyric to meet up with the early starters before moving on to the Phoenix. It was, I have to say, one of the happiest evenings of my life. We were joined by my brother, my friend David from school in Hong Kong, Colin from my time at Tiffins, Ash and Sal from university, Ric who played bass in the band, Keith and Angela (Dan and Milly's Godparents respectively), my marvellous ex-colleague Informatica Dave, some lovely Twitter friends - Jane, Bibi, Deano, Andrea and Frank -  and, of course, the Minx (who took this great photo).

It was a such a splendid occasion and although it all rushed by in a blur, I do remember one perfect moment, just as I returned from the loo, of seeing so many people I love all animatedly talking and laughing together, just before I joined them once again. 

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