
As of today, both our children are teenagers. Fortunately Miss L didn't have a [thrilling full-day] Les Mis rehearsal today [the boys are working on the barricade scenes] so, having admitted that she's been a "crap sister" recently, she's taken Miss K into town to treat her to lunch and a shopping trip, having got up early to make a cake for her this morning.

I've gone three days without blipping, having broken a sequence of 400+ on Friday when the EB I had in mind didn't work out. I then spent a dull weekend doing dull things and no photos. I knew this was bound to happen some time, and it's strangely liberating. For the past year or so, Blip's got me out on days when I might not, and that's helped me get out of quite a dark time, but I was still looking at life day-by-day. However, over the past few weeks, I seem to have recovered my feeling of general contentment and optimism which I'd lost for a few years.

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