Cold and Frosty Morning
The kids granted us a lie in today - until an astonishing 8.30. While Mr B waited for the replacement pump for our sulky boiler, I headed up to Haddington with the kids for the farmers' market. Very very cold and frosty, but I was able to astonish and amaze the kids with my ability to melt the ice on the car with only the power of a squirt of what they took to be contact lens fluid (?). Maybe when they're drivers I'll introduce them to the wonders of de-icer and destroy another childhood myth of the superpowers possessed by parents.
We came away from the farmers' market with the usual household staples (sausages, bacon, beer, chocolates and alpaca wool) and headed off for a little walk around Haddington. I'd somehow never managed to go and look at St Mary's Kirk, which looked bewitching with the low sun behind it and the lawns covered in frost. But I was more bewitched by the inability of the kids to feel cold: Katherine claimed scraping up all this frost just wasn't cold at all.
We had fun playing in the leaves and watching the swans, until they got a little friendly and we hastily retreated. I'm one of the crazy subscribers to the theory that swans are dangerous and would break your leg as soon as look at you. And we had no bread to act as a decoy device.
Back at home Katherine headed off to a friend's house and we decided to break our 'one Sunday in a week' rule (see yesterday) on the basis that yesterday's Cava was flat and so didn't count. Today's NZ fizz was more reliable.
Hope you're all having as lovely a weekend (though perhaps warmer) as we are.
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