Scottish Day
It seems appropriate for St Andrew's Day that everything is very Scottish today: freezing cold and beautiful like you wouldn't believe.
East Lothian this morning was under a blanket of freezing fog, but once we escaped to Edinburgh we were in the most glorious sunshine with everything covered prettily in a very very hard frost. According to my father-in-law it was 23F in Edinburgh last night (about minus 5C) and it showed. We had a lovely walk in Buxton up the side of Mortonhall Golf Course, then over the course and up onto the Braid Hills. And yet at midday even the fairways that had been in full sun all morning were still crispy with frost.
Nice lunch with the B's senior involving too much wine on my part, and too much custard on Conor's. Then home for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and some relaxing for grown ups over the papers. Ahhhh, Sunday!
I couldn't decide on a shot for the day today: here's the arty one. The one I've chosen is there because it reminds me how blip has changed me. Let me explain: in pre-blip days I was the one striding out in front of the family, chivvying everyone along on our walks - but now I'm always the one hanging back, taking photos of leaves, grass and butterflies while the others wander ahead. So all my photos of the family out for a walk are rear views nowadays. Like this one.
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