To be or not to be...

Today was hubby's choice.
He loves teaching Hamlet so of course we had to visit Kronborg castle in Helsingor, the home of Hamlet.

It took about 45 minutes on the train from Copenhagen which gave us the opportunity to see some more of Denmark and also for hubby to teach us all about Hamlet. I have to say that he did a great job and explained the play really well as both kids really listened and asked lots of questions. Olivia already has a set of children's Shakespeare books (of course!) so she has some idea about Shakespeare.
The castle and surroundings were fab and as it was such a clear day we could see Sweden easily.

Hubby loved the castle and just had to buy some memorabilia to use in his teaching and we took lots of photos, including the obligatory holding of a real skull!

On the way back on the train we stopped at Humlebaek to visit the Louisiana museum of modern art which has a fantastic reputation. It was quite interesting but the best part was the children's wing where the kids could let off their creative steam! They drew, played with Lego, painted and made stuff with clay.

We're all very sun kissed today as although it's been very cold it's been clear and windy, so we all have rosy cheeks.

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