Another Castle of Sand

Our elevator at our complex was being worked on today, starting at 8:30 a.m. When you're on the 7th floor, you don't want to traipse up and down too many times, so we both left at about 8:15. Lisa took our neighbor out to breakfast, and to her hair appointment, and I went to the gulf.

I was shoveling sand at 9 a.m. I like this spot because of the bank. It slopes gently towards the shore, and if you scrape off the top layer, it is pretty compacted underneath.

I had two little helpers today. Corbin helped me early, and this is Kyle who helped me late. Corbin was really interested in learning, so when he left...I gave him a set of 5 different sand castle tools that I like the best. Him and his mother were thrilled.

Time wise, this was my longest castle. 6 hours of my life that I will never get back, but so much fun.

We're going to have one more beach day tomorrow, and if I'm not lame...there will probably be one more castle.

Before I get much older, I need to step up my castle game. Instead of going broader, I need to go higher. But, that involves getting some kind of forms (like large plastic garbage cans with the bottom cut out), and carting a lot more water from the ocean. So, I don't know if the tradeoff would be worth it.

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